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I know..  I'll post out some small programs with diff var.  and reset the machine and controller each time to ''wipe':   to see what happens where.

i'm cutting a 2k job while i'm trying to debugg but also getting working results. soooo    figurn' out what is / isn't working while it IS working is more of a study in perplexity atm :)   

Between my cnc at home, yard work, a hot wife, garden, and smoking lots of meat....   busy, happy man!!

can we have a pined post for pics that you can Moderate *edit*?    i'm sorry i'm not a youtube guy to promote your program ....   I think this can be worth an easy 350.00    just needs more push!!


Life's been pretty good and busier than usual over here for us too :) 

Hey that's a good idea! Go ahead and start a thread and I'll sticky it at the top of the posts and add my own pics to it too. I aim to get the price up a bit further once we hit beta and move to a more professional website, and have better learning materials (tutorials, videos, etc.) Software without learning materials or "proof" of what can be done with it is a bit of a hard sale but judging by existing sales (without any legit advertising/promotion yet) there clearly there are people who can take a look at a piece of software and imagine what the possibilities are and know it's well worth the price.