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Hi, thanks so much for replying!

I understand a drop in traffic but my game shot from top 50 of all games to being practically impossible to find overnight. It's not just a shot to popularity, the game is buried under literally thousands of games that all have barely any to zero interactions. 

I'm not upset about the algorithm deranking my game, if people aren't clicking on it that's fine, the problem is every game that was there before I uploaded my game hasn't moved a spot and mine has been placed to the bottom of the bottom despite consistent clicks daily (over 90% drop). As far as im aware I haven't broken any rules. I'm starting to think tweaking my project is a dice roll that will hurt my game's searchability which does not incentivise me to make my projects better.

Sorry, I know you don't have the answers and that the matter is "resolved" as far as itch is concerned. Thanks for taking the time to read everything!