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I'm glad you were able to submit something after having trouble coming up with an idea in the beginning. I like the outcome, the music and lights and general vibe pair very well together.

Despite there being bugs, and despite I had to hard reset my computer while playing this game, I rated it very high and added it to my GMTK collection!


Oh wow, high praise, thank you very much. :D

Might I ask what bugs you encountered and when the game crashed your computer? 

I'm curious because when I read through my comments it seems like for most people it runs flawlessly but a few have massive trouble like bugs, glitches and crashes. 

I want to learn what some of these pitfalls are. 

In the 3rd room I ran to the bottom right corner and the game's music started skipping and then nothing was responsive. I tried again to duplicate this but can't for some reason.