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Oh my goodness thank you so much for making this glorious game! I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game and reading everything I possibly could in it.  And the art was absolutely lovely. Thank you ever so much for creating such a compelling story and wonderful characters (with an integration of the lgbtqa+ community which I highly appreciate). Speaking of characters, I am, without a doubt, emotionally attatched to them (which considering Lee's general habits and reckless nature...may not be the best idea on my part but that's a problem for another day) so kudos for creating such well-developed and interesting characters. I am looking forward to experiencing more of them in future games of the series. :)

(Also, I've currently gotten all the endings save for Beracus' Last ending, though based on hints I've read in the comments I'm relatively confident that I can figure it out. Usually I'm not too concerned with achieving everything in a game but this world is so intoxicating and interesting that I'm eager to experience every last nook and cranny of it. So thank you once more for creating it and sharing it with the internet.)

Oh and I enjoyed how you referenced Lee's backstory with his extreme aversion to bread and a couple other subtleties. I realized it while replaying parts of the game after playing the prologue. So the wheat-related past trauma was a nice touch. Good continuity and all that jazz. And I especially enjoyed whenever Lee happily teased an adorably flustered Beracus. Now I shall, finally, end my happy rambling here, with one last thank you. 

Thank you so so much for this lovely comment! Feedback like this is very confirming that I'm going the right direction with these characters, and I appreciate so much you sharing your thoughts.

The second game will start production early 2021, and hopefully be released early 2022, if all goes well for me! These games are pretty hefty compared to my usual stuff, so I think a year is what I'm gonna need-- assuming all goes well in my personal life!

Anyways, that's aside the point! I'm so glad to hear you like the game and the characters and I'm so excited to share more with you. <3