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After finally having some time I could try out the demo and I have to say, I really enjoyed what you've got for us so far. The art is amazing and I love the general 'theme' of the game, the premise is interesting and I enjoyed the writing a lot - we're introduced to the characters and the world without it feeling like being fed stiff exposition in the middle of action. The characters themselves seem interesting so far, there's one I was a bit 'wary' of but after reading Teegan's description their route appears to be more of 'helping them find their way in the world' than the 'born sexy yesterday' trope so that kinda quelled my worries.

All in all, great demo and can't wait for more content to be released!

Thank you so much, I'm so happy you enjoyed it! I wanted to capture a more action movie feel than have the intro read be a drag; I'm happy you enjoyed that! I hope Teegan's route doesn't come across that way; it's not finished yet (I'm writing them one at a time instead of all at once) but I'll definitely keep it in mind so I don't veer into that territory!