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Wow! I bet you're one of the youngest jammers in the whole event, that's really cool! And congrats on pushing out your first game! Game dev is fun, isn't it?


thank you you made my day.

did you play the game

Yes! I enjoyed it, I was indeed stressed out at the start when I saw the timer and was like ???? what do I do haha

But then once I got a mental map of the place it was pretty fun just sprinting back and forth :))

It honestly held my attention for quite a while, longer than a handful of other games I played!

thanks so much, sucks that my project cant win the jam there was a bug that made it so you couldn't download from the real jam page

(1 edit)

You are very welcome! And ah yeah that's  unfortunate, the game I worked on also had a couple pretty bad bugs that we discovered right at the end 😅. I guess that's how game jams go sometimes haha

It's okay you'll kill it next year I'm sure :)