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Thank you for your feedback, I really didn't except any. The time limit for the jam really got me by surprise (first time I try) as you can probably see, so I couldn't really test everything out. I envisioned a lot of different thing from what came to reality, but I am happy you found the concept fun! Cheers~


Your first jam, you say! Well it was an excellent go for a first jam. I'm not just saying that, either. 18k people signed up for this and just a bit more than 5k submitted. Well done, dude.

Scope is hard to get a handle on without experience and I'm glad to see you got some of that here. The fact that you got something this finished-looking at all is a testament to your ability to adjust your scope on the fly and push something out.  Again, well-done. 

Coffee + No sleep helped a lot lol.