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I have only just started using DAZ3D, so I'm not yet experienced with using it.  But I think there is a mode where you can turn off the ray-tracing to see what it will (roughly) look like.  It might save you hours and hours of rendering only to find out that you have to throw it all away ... ?  Hope this helps ...

Yeah, you can go to rendering and switch from IRay -> Basic OpenGL, that renders an animation in a couple of seconds / frame. I'm using that to lay out and time animations. Note it's still not enough, since you don't see shading and lighting, but it's a lot better.

Nice.  At least it should help with hiccups, and objects jumping into the action.  ;-)

I've just started using DAZ, stills only at the moment.  I'm looking forward to doing animations.

Q: I know DAZ's *official* position is that it doesn't support 'sex'.  To simulate this, do I need to purchase add-on(s) for anatomical correctness (M/F), or ... ?

Yeah. The two assets you want are Dicktator (G8M) and Golden Palace (G8F)


Awesome, thank you very much.

I just finished Act 4.  WOW!
Anxiously awaiting Act 5.
Keep up the fantastic work!  You've set the bar very high for other developers.  :-)