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  • I never thought about using a mesh for the trail effect. Thanks for inspiration! :)
  • Is there any chance to share the source code of this shader? It's probably trivial for you, but I don't have much experience with OpenGL programming and that would be a great resource to learn from (surely not only for me) :D
  • Does that mean that there will be a usable level editor in the final release? Would be great to see levels made by community :)
  • This font is absolutely AMAZING :D Also after looking through the game files I found a font called Orbitron. A quick search told me that it has a free license. I will surely use that one in my games then. Thanks :)
(1 edit) (+1)

Here's the shader for the glitched font:

Vertex shader:

Fragment shader:

Its not particularly optimized (I should replace the "if" in the fragment shader) or documented but you probably get the gist. :)

Not sure about the level editor. It would take a lot of time to polish it to a state where its usable by anybody but me :D I have basically no GUI and rely almost solely on keyboard shortcuts. Not exactly intuitive ;)