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Thank you for playing my demo! I had to rush a lot of things so I wouldn't miss another demo day, so I'll try to fix a lot of the issues in the coming few days. Getting the ribbon is supposed to be followed by a tutorial on how to equip gear, but I didn't have time to implement it in time. Putting on the ribbon triggers the next encounter.

-I'll be sure to add a screenshake slider/toggle, and also reduce the default screenshake a bit. Sometimes you sort of just get desensitized to some aspects of your own game because you've tested it so much, you know?

-Buju suggested adding manual zoom-in/out function into the game, so I think I'll do something like that

-I actually sort of just forgot to generate the pathfinding graph for the level, whoops. It's still not perfect after that though, so I'll work on improving it too.

-I'm not sure anything about my game could work tbh, but finding out is part of the journey. The shift key shows your hitbox like in Touhou games, which should help. If you want I could maybe add an option to have the hitbox always be visible