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-if one of my OCs had this expierince-

Para: *she would eventually wake up due to her healing factor, given to her by her father Zalgo-

-also dis b a older Para-

Para: *it would take about 2hrs though* .....holy shit....

(2 edits)

-me watching with the bean  like what the frick happened-

Holy -blep- indeed

The bean: 0>0 -my bad-

Para: *GRRR**she leaps at you, and tries to bite you back*

The bean: -smacc- -no touchy- -bite-

Para: *grrr**just backs up a little and starts drinking a juice box*

The bean mind: ew. _ .

And here have a zalgoid meeting a . . Thingy in it's natural habitat

The bean: T-T

srry had to help somebody do a thing and then take my siblings to thier fathers

Para: *offers you another juice box becuz she cant see well in the dark*

is okey

The bean: ._. -shaking their head nuh thank you-

Para: m'kay kiddo, if ya say so.....but ah, if ya dont mind me askin....are you human? or do ya not know, cu i didnt know what i was untill about your age myself

Matilda: -tilting her head in confusion-

-no, no she does not know-

has you lefts my dude

u git dis?