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thank you so much lmao i'm just scared since i am bad at english and my rambling always be nonsense to everyone ( but thanks for hearing me out ).

yeah i like type of game when they have real life problem so that i can face them in real life and stop being weak ( since i have weak body and getting sick easily that makes me wanna die and give up ) so heavy story makes me stronger.

actually not just indonesia but every country that love to play games are like that bc they want to escape real life.

ahhh you already meet Mazjojo?? now i kinda jealous lol XD

yep true and especially me who always keep hiding my own sexuality and my illness bc i don't want anyone to know that i am weak and always bullying me. 

iye lebih bagus sembunyi dr orng2 lain krn kita tak tau nanti mrk apain kita ... temen dekat lumayan tau soal rahasiaku sih dan biasa2 aja ( aku kristen ... tp tetep sama aja takut keluargaku yg religius bngt).

you're welcome and actually there's a lot of fellow indonesians that are open with this kind of games especially if they're same as me, but everyone is hiding about it while on medsos they can open up about it easily, same as me.

thank you for making such a great game and i always support you (i wish i can meet you someday and have your autograph www) :) keep getting that money for your life and food cuz getting money is so hard this day lol.