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I really enjoyed this! I liked the interactions with the entire cast, and appreciated the all-women main cast and having multiple good romantic relationships among them that have a different tone and pace.

I liked how there were a lot of cute romantic moments throughout, and that some of those were done particularly using the language of 16-bit JRPGs. A lot of those inn/rest stop scenes were very cute, and the occasional dual techs feel like a nice touch and surprisingly romantic in the RPG context.

Lastly, I want to say that I'd definitely be interested in getting/buying any spinoff/sequel/follow-up that you might release.

Thanks so much, I'm so happy you liked it, and I really do enjoy trying to express stuff like that thru JRPG systems XD

The spinoff sequel hasn't gone anywhere yet, but my next big game is very much in the Luxaren Allure style :DDDD