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Me personally I would say have a set price but I can understand both sides. I always feel bad when developers set it as pay what you want and then there's always someone who pays nothing to spoil it. Usually what I do is pay for the base game and if I enjoy the developer's work I subscribe to their Patreon for a low tier ($1-5) to help them fund future games. I am more likely to pay for a higher base price than a higher Patreon tier as my monthly money fluctuates. I'm pretty anal and consider everything from how much I liked a developer's previous games; whether they offer a demo; a DRM free version; a day 1 Linux version; whether they use a FOSS engine; whether they use Vulkan; whether they allow a manual save option; etc. I have a spreadsheet for all of this, I like numbers haha. In case you're wondering I would pay up to $37.49 CAD ($27.75 USD) for a game from you so Lingering is more than a fair price and I hope to pick it up soon.