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A member registered Jan 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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The store page on Itch shows Pools as "in development" but on Steam shows as fully released. Is Pools still in early access of some kind ?

I see that it just lists a .zip folder for download. Is there a Linux and a Mac executable in that folder ? Been burned a few times lately where they list support for Linux and then just have a Windows executable.

While the dev may not officially support it I can verify for anyone interested that there is a Linux version that gets downloaded with the Windows version and it runs fine for me so far.

What engine was Chains of Judgement made with ?

I enjoyed the demo enough to buy the game. I will credit you in that you give all instructions needed to solve the puzzles. You even give a good hint on this page saying "You'll need to think outside more than just the box". My only issue was that I didn't expect to think outside of the game as well. Don't get me wrong, I found it inventive and creative, I just wasn't expecting it. I didn't even use your full walk through, as soon as I saw the first bit I could see where your mind had been going and pieced together the rest. Kudos, now on to the full game I go.

I would only want it if your heart was in it. I have plenty of other games to play. Thanks for changing the store page to be accurate.

I saw the following issue. "seems" should probably just be "seem". As in "You seem to be making friends". Not really an error as depending on the context and sentence "seems" can be correct.

I saw the following spelling error. "Footbal" should be "Football". It is correct in other scenes so probably a one off error. 

The store page has a Linux and Mac logo indicating Linux and Mac support but the files available for download specifically say "" and the folder indeed only has a Windows executable. Was the mistake checking the box for the Linux and Mac support or was the mistake not including the other executables ?

The store page has a Linux logo indicating Linux support but the files available for download specifically say "" which indicates a Mac version. Is there a Linux version ? Also why does the Linux or Mac version cost $0.05 more ?

I just thought I would mention that the name of the executable for the Linux version is "sarawak".  It worried me at first because I thought that maybe Itch had downloaded me the wrong game but it does indeed launch We'll Always Have Paris. You may want to change that name though.

Thank you for the quick response. Gave the free download a try and launches fine on my system. Will go ahead and give you some money now :)

The store page has a Linux logo indicating Linux support but the files available for download specifically say "Princess Sword.exe" which indicates only a Windows executable. Is there a Linux version ?

If there is no native Linux or Mac version you should remove the Linux  and Mac icons.

The store page has a Linux and Mac logo indicating Linux and Mac support but the files available for download specifically say "Invention.exe" which indicates only a Windows executable. Is there a Linux version ?

It launches for me so far so good. Thank you !

Only a Windows executable is included with the folder that is downloaded.

I was able to purchase with Stripe.

I got the error 

"To comply with international regulations, this transaction has been declined." 

when trying to buy the game. I've never seen that error before. I'm in Canada, not sure where you're located but a quick web search showed people in a variety of countries having issues receiving funds from a variety of countries. The various posts dated from 2020 to as recent as 2023.

The store page has a Linux logo indicating Linux support but the files available for download specifically say "School Survival for WINDOWS". Is there a Linux version ?

I see that Raylib, Odin and Jolt all use FOSS licenses which makes me happy. Best of luck !

All is good now ! Thank you for your effort.

Almost there :) The .pck file needs to be in a folder alongside the executable where currently it now just downloads the .pck file instead of just downloading the executable. I can confirm when the two are in the same folder the game launches on Linux so as long as you package them together as a download other customers should be good to go.

When trying to run the game on Linux it gives an error about missing a .pck file. I assume it was made using Godot ? If so usually there should be a .pck file alongside the executable.

Is the game locked to a 50 FPS cap ? It never went above 50 FPS for me. I'm on Linux if that matters.

My System:

Intel i5-12600K | 32GB DDR4-3200 CL16 | Gigabyte RX 7600 XT 16GB | Mesa 24.0.2-manjaro1.1 | Western Digital Black SN850 500GB | Manjaro | Mate 1.26.1 | Kernel 6.7.7-1-MANJARO

Does Medusa have a 30 FPS cap ?

Steam lists a Linux version, are there any plans to bring the Linux version to Itch ?

The store page advertises a Linux version but only a Windows executable is included with the .rar folder.

I have played dozens if not hundreds of visual novels. The only kind I dislike are kinetic novels with no choices. I dislike them because being able to branch the game and have an effect as well as making the main character more mine is a huge part of why I like the genre. I have played visual novels that last five minutes up to those that last a couple dozen hours and I have enjoyed both. I don't care whether a game is short or long so long as it is good. It's tough to list one favourite visual novel but some of my favourites would be The Falconers: Moonlight, Buried: An Interactive Story,  The Mind’s Eclipse, Emily is Away,  and The Last Birdling.

May I also suggest that if you have a Youtube channel to also have a Youtube alternative such as a Peertube or Odysee channel. Never hurts to give options as well as have a backup plan in case Google messes with your channel.

I'm just a customer. I like that Itch has DRM free options for games. I like that the Itch client is FOSS. I like that the store pages give the option to list details such as the engine used.  I like that I can download the game files stand alone without using a client. 

I wish that the notifications for game updates were easier to find. For example on GOG when I look at my game list for games I own it tells me which ones have had updates since I last downloaded the files. I also wish that Itch would do a better job moderating developers that falsely advertise their game. For instance some list a Linux version but when I go to download the game it only has a Windows version and even after reporting this the game is still for sale advertising a Linux version. Lastly I wish that reviews were public for all not just developers and those who follow me.

There is a 4K upgrade option available on GOG currently.

The game doesn't launch for me on Linux. I tried through the Itch app as well as downloading it on it's own. When I run it through Terminal the error I get is: 

"error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

My System:

Intel i5-12600K | 16GB DDR4-3000 CL15 | RX 590 8GB | Mesa 23.3.5 | Manjaro | Mate 1.26.1 | Kernel 6.7.4

Regardless of whether one were to agree with every point made here I will say that the effort put into this and the detail provided is appreciated. Too many people will simply say a game is awesome or terrible and not provide any detail at all.

I purchased Week One and Two on GOG. I was wondering if I were to purchase Week Three on if I could import the saves from Week Two ?

(1 edit)

If they're looking at alternative stores i'd rather GOG myself. I can see how i'd be in the minority there though and more would support Steam as an option.

The first two weeks listed Linux support but Week Three only lists Windows. Is there a Linux executable that downloads with the Windows .exe ? I have found in many games that are made with Ren'Py that even if they list just Windows there is a .sh file in the folder as well. It just would be nice to not spend $20 USD to find out i'm wrong in this case.

What game engine was Dangerous Flock Platform made with ?

Fun game and hope the surgery went well.

Is there any enemies that hunt you but you can't fight back against ? Just trying to see if it's more about narrative or stealth.