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Okay, so I played Parsnip before this and completely missed the "The King In Yellow" stuff on my first playthrough. It was a fun little thing i thought, because i  really had no idea what the cursed play was.

This game, however, got me incredibly interested in the cursed play. I've played this game like 5.... 7? times trying to squeeze every last bit of content out of it (still not done, I have a to-do list) 

In an attempt to not spiral into the rabbit hole (haha) that is THAT, my brain started making connections between Trixie and I. I love her. She's me but a girl and also a rat but that doesn't matter too much. This is the first time i've played as a trans character in a video game without having made the character myself! It's safe to say I love it. I will also be playing Three lesbians in a barrow after Rat and Bat because like 6 separate of my friends recommended it to me.

I love how when you take one path, the events from another path  still (kinda) happen, and the fact that the entire universe is so deeply saturated in lore... the deer god.... the mask. the SHEEP.  all the tiny little details. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Anyway out of all of that I literally only have one question. What is Cyber Drak-Cool-Yas From Mars an in-universe analog for? Nobody writes a character like this unless they have direct experience with a show like Trixie likes. I'm about to play Rat and Bat specifically for Mars bat research.

drak kool yas  is supposed to just be a goofy bad cartoon. I based the name on biker mice from Mars :)