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Killer challenge 

Name: kat therine

Age: shhhhh its a secret 

Sexual orientation: bisexual, demisexual or asexual *i haven't figured it out yet :p*

likes: cats, her friends, killing people in red dead redemption 2 :) 

Dislikes: isolation, homophobia, the color green

Favorite food: cows n pig meat 

Least favorite food: bananas >:p

Self destructive hobbies: playing with hot glue, sniffing nail polish 

Background: ...... i killed people in red dead and wanted to try it irl. I did. It was fun. So i kept doing it. I decided to mimic the ghouls from fallout and eat people too... thats about it

have you played fallout 4 ovo

Yas uwu

1 how many times have you played it (I'm am on my fist play through 

2 which thing did u join (I joind the instantot


I haven't finished my first yet

Oh how far are u

Not very far.... i cleared the subway near swan the giant super mutant's pond


Me: *sniper rifle* damn, you're the one i was assigned to? damn......i dont know if i can do this..........

ill post meh killer challange meh soon

me: *waves* yo

Me: *on a frickin roof* HOLY SH*T!...oh! h-h-hey Kat! l-l-long time n-no see!

*i imagine we haven't seen each other in a while in  this AU*

Me: heya :l

Me: *gets up* w-w-what are you doing here?!

Me: walking.... 

Me: -_- what about yew

Me: n-n-nothing! n-nothing at all!

me: Riiiiight *attempts to get on the roof but im unathletic sooo* 

me: gimme a sec

Me: *goes inside and takes the stairs* 

Me: -_-

Me: *chillin**doing somehting on my phone*