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So much fun!

Great work on the graphics and puzzles. I also enjoyed how characters/signs around town gave hints for what to do when stuck. 

It would have been nice to have a short description for each item - at least saying what they were. Luckily, some people in the village would explain what some of the items did. When hovering over - it could say "boots", or even more "boots - these could be used to step on thorns". It would have also been nice to make the cracks in the walls more visible for using bombs on. There were a few dialogues that used the wrong verb tense or spelling in English, but everything was understandable. 

Hardest part for me was figuring out where the yellow key was until I made sense of that map. The glitch effect was so cool - as well as the different dialogue options each villager had at the end. 

Nice job!!