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This ain't it chief. Maybe my expectations were a bit high, but I think the game missed its mark. I think the premise is cool, I can get behind it. But, the elements that were tossed in to unnerve me just didn't. The alarms, and gunfire just threw me off. Those coupled with the elevator music breaks felt very comical.

This whole game was about being interrogated, but I never once felt pressure or uneasiness when answering questions. They were mostly straightforward, there were a couple of "hard" questions that I imagine were meant to make you be all philosophical about yourself, but just didn't. Do I love myself? Hell no. Easy question, next. I did like the touch of pulling the name of the user on the computer, unfortunately mine is "weeb" which isn't my real name otherwise that would've been cool to see.

Overall I feel like the game missed the mark. I wasn't scared, spooked, or unnerved in my time playing. I expected more from something labelled "psychological horror".