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Very good gunplay gun models and enemy designs. Very floaty controls when jumping and strafing. I love the splash screen art.

Tip - do not use default Unity Screenshake effect for gun recoil - the camera should simply go up and spring back to position not just shake in all directions - this effect is only suitable for earthquakes or standing close to an explosion for example. 

I hope that wave based arena gameplay is just for alpha testing and the game will have proper levels. I don't mind a horde mode survival mode as a bonus but these get really old if that's all what the game is.  

Thanks for checking it out! You're right about the screenshake, that's definitely on the to-do list. The game will absolutely focus on the campaign and story mode. The survival game mode is just perfect for playtesting and help me during development. 

I do hope that eventually streamers find the game and start competing and chasing eachothers highscores in endlessmode.. that would be so cool!