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I was here reading a poem casually then I get to this line

DoEs My SeXiNeSs UpSeT yOu 

And I'm here like "maybe if I was actually sexy I could say that line ;-;" but I am not. I look like a literal brick.;u; hello darkness my old frieeend. (Wait does anybody even remember or use that song anymore? Bc it just been forgotten and I haven't found any trace of it except the actual song which makes me feel old ;-;)


you prolly dont look like dat

100% authentic photo of me

Yes. A lego brick

I still remember that song


you're a minecraft character? thats sexy lmao i wouldnt consider that ugly at all

Here's a selfie.  Not a minecraft character. A brick.

yeah i can see that, at least people wont step all over you because that'd hurt like shit

yes it would.