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asahi: o-oh? I am... oops

Delilah: yeah, *halps you away from the glass**makes/halps you shake her cold, metalic hands...hol up...metallic?*

Asahi: ??? *InteReStIng*

Delilah: sorry if that was a little chilly! :)

asahi: no no its okay!


Delilah: oh ok! you have aplace to stay tonight?

Asahi: not really..

Delilah: fllwo me! *hold your hand and takes you to a abandoned pizza place*


Delilah: dont worry, its better than it looks...and smells, on the inside!

Nightmare & NM Fredbear: password

Delilah: has it changed?

NM: no

Delilah: Man Behind The Slaughter

NM Fredbear: come right in, Captain