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Thankyou so much! We are still updating. As of right now we are still in the works of finalizing Satori's route, if we get the assets in time we will have them by tomorrow! However if not, I can assure you that major progress will be done tonight in terms of writing and scripting.

The also got a new writer so that can help with our speed up production process. Maintaining quality is a big priority so updates will be slow.

So we can't make the deadline I'll make an update just for you so you know we got stuff down the pipeline ^_^ 

Also try out some of our other games. Tamamo no Ran is a our other touhou fan jam, and we have upgraded it from it's original submission. On that note we are currently participating in another game jam next week so stay tuned!


Woah awesome! I look forward to it! I can wait as long as it takes. And I'll check out Tamamo no Ran! it's cool to see someone else linking Ran to that legend somehow


Tell us what you think, we could use some feedback, updates for the game are tentative so no promises on that one.