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I think this is actually a pretty interesting concept and I really like the idea behind the game. 

My main problem is that the way the in-game physics are set up, it's possible to position two paddles in such a way that the ball bounces back and forth between them infinitely until the points goal for the level is reached without having to move anything. When set up right the ball will travel the exact same path back and forth between the two without ever deviating or needing to adjust the paddles, which makes it significantly less challenging.


You're absolutely right. This was a project I made for fun in high school (a long time ago--I'm an old now) and I dug it out and tested it on a couple Windows 10 machines before submitting to throw in my support for a huge charity bundle.

The cheesing problem is one I was aware of but never found a solution for at the time. I have thought the concept is still good though, and I appreciate you saying so as well. I sometimes entertain the idea of re-making the game with modern tools and with a bit more polish, perhaps with a mobile port. If I do, I'll hopefully have a Windows and/or Debian version I can share on too.

Also, FWIW, I know I built in a level skip code for testing, but I've forgotten what it was now. Pretty sure it was some kind of key combination. I can't find the source files, sadly, so it's down to guessing.

Anyway, thanks for playing my game, and for your feedback!