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ok weh rp here

u want to start or should i

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Hmmm...I mean....

If you want you could start

u or me dude

pick plz

Start then lol


*so just pretend dis chick said her quote teh meh character*

Para: kay honey darling first of all i never SAID i belived this useless flaoting space rock was worth anything, second of all if ya wanna ruin someones day go say that to my sister Zoe

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Oh?So I see we have a bitter one... Look

I'm saying what needs to be said and as for your sister she can die for all I care. This world only means as much as you ya know 


You are the same as the earth,a waste of space. Now if you excuse me  12 year old chump,this planet has to be delt with

Para: (evil chuckle* oh so IM worth nothing, you realize youre talking to the future Queen of Underrealm, or HELL as you pathetic mortals call it, and about my sister, yeah i agree



Zoe: *heartbroken* 

Para: *lol**idfc*

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"Then why dont you run along and tell your mother that somebody called you worthless."

Making an outfit rq)

Para: *almost at tears but hiding it**she is a Zalgiod, and as the child of Zalgo her father killed her mother when she was 4, right in front of her eyes*

Para: i dont have a mother dumbass

me: *bursts in because I've been forced to*