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(3 edits)

Since FPV Freerider Recharged requires more memory than the 100MB limit that is on the Google Play Store, it uses extension files which are downloaded during installation.
My guess is that when you cleared the storage the extension files got cleared, and Recharged can't run without those.

If you again clear all the cache and data, uninstall it, and then re-install it again it should download the extension files again.

(If it still doesn't work, perhaps there is something left behind which keeps it from making a complete re-installation. Perhaps you will then need to manually find the folder that is left behind and delete it manually. It might be located at something like "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.Freeride.FreeriderRecharged" or "Internal Storage/Android/Data/com.Freeride.FreeriderRecharged" )

As for going back to default settings, changing the rates etc., I would recommend using the presets on the top of the Custom Settings screen as a starting point. You can tweak the settings to your liking, and then keep your own settings for later by storing them in the User Preset A and B slots on the top of the Custom Settings screen.

Hope that helps