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A playthrough takes barely five minutes. A new game reveals more of the backstory, but changes nothing.

A game about saving memories, but deleting them seems to serve the same purpose: Limited memory is used up and the game progresses. Even deleting all the chosen memories reveals the same ending.

What is the message here? None of the choices matter.

The concept, sound design and writing are all good. .

(1 edit) (+1)

That’s not quite true. In one playthrough:

But there are still moments, peaceful or melancholy private musings that I never offered Zoe. And I have them still. Mine. It feels something like a miracle.

In another:

And the scars of old hurts still linger. Before this, I’d have wanted to forget every past humiliation; each desolate night. Now they’re salvage, points of data I can use to stitch a self again.

And another:

There’s something familiar—but when I reach for it, there’s nothing. Nothing at all. I try to think back to what happened. Nothing.

The choice of memories doesn’t change the situation—how would it?—but it does alter how she experiences it. Though to your point, it’s bizarre how deleting memories also uses up space.