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(1 edit)

Just one sad little man boy... :p


any clue about the "maybe" other three ? NGage maybe ? :)

most likely :) I am working on the 3 other systems at the same time, and two of them are near complete. I will probably update the PDF in the near future.

You're the best ! :p Thanks a lot


Thanks again for all your interesting books !!!

Any chance a new project on old computer games ? C64, Amiga, AtariST,... and my favorite: Amstrad CPC ? :)

hi :) I´m not sure when, or if, I start another PDF. Or what it would be about. I know that Amiga and C64 would be fun to do, but they would take a very long time, and I always gets too caught up in the projects, which affect my home life :p

Sure I can imagine how time consuming those projects have been... Of course, private life is the most important thing !!!

And again, many thanks for all your books !!! :)

Thanks for reading them :)