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(1 edit)

Yeah that was because of how the map and the NavMesh was set up, enemies spawned in the middle but 90% of the time the blue side would be the shortest distance to the player because of how it was positioned compared with the other sides. I only noticed this a couple hours before the submission deadline so I didn't have time to reposition my sides to be the same distance and make sure the baked navmesh was bug-free. Definitely gonna be one of the first things I fix to make the game more hectic for the player ;) (if i decide to keep working on this project instead of jumping onto a new one).

Sound Effects were one of the things I really wanted to add but didn't have the time at the end to create my own and implement; it's also going to be one of the first things I'll add in when developing this further.

Health bar i'm a bit iffy on because it's hard enough for enemies to get to you, rather than them having to do so multiple times. I might have a '3 lives' set up like in corona dash, where the enemy dies on contact and you lose a life but a certain amount of your score would be deducted if that does happen.

I also thought of maybe adding random floating Powerups and bad objects (can't think of a better word for them lol) which disappear after a certain amount of time (much like Pac-Man) if the player doesn't shoot them, examples being you shoot a laser beam continuously for a couple seconds, a part of an extra life (collect 5 to regain a life) if you lost one... but bad objects increasing enemy spawn rate, changing spawn position closer to the player, making enemies faster, etc. 

I enjoyed making this game (even when it was superrrrrrr frustrating at times) and I love that a bunch of people seem to enjoy playing it. If I don't continue working on this game then I'll make sure to set a better standard for myself for my next ones (which means a ton more work for myself DX) 

Looking forward to see what you make too ;)