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I've decided to try using a standard format for all my feedback this time around. Please excuse me if I come across as overly curt or miss something important about your game. I'm writing these all quite hastily as there are a lot of games in the jam this year!

What I liked

The visual style, with what looks like stock assets for the background

Procedural generation is always a lot of fun, and the terrain is usually traversable here.

The gameplay is simple and janky, but a ton of fun once you get used to it.

What I didn't like

I wish it had a high score table, but that's about all I can think of.

Did I think it was so bad it was good?

I think it was supposed to be, but I'm not really feeling it. The gameplay is janky, but it was actually a lot of fun, and the art style is low-rent but evokes feelings of nostalgia for Flash games and the early days of the Android Marketplace.

My thoughts on the modifier implementation

I assumed it wasn't implemented because it wasn't mentioned and the game was janky and awkward but not impossible to play.


Turned into a bit of a nostalgia trip for me, and I liked it. But I find it hard to see the bad side of the so bad it's good coin here.

If you have any questions, comments, queries or concerns, please reply and I'll do my best to get back to you.

will you believe if i say i made all the assets in this game is made in ms paint