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I really like this game!!! First of all congratulations on completing the jam and good luck!

Some feedback: (constructive xD)

I really like the SFX and the game play mechanics By this I mean the turning block, getting the white dot, etc.

This game really needs some music, however. I feel like with some music, I could really understand the heart of this game. Right now, I can't tell what this is making me feel, whats the goal?

I also love the learning curve to this game and how it takes you a couple of tries to figure out ho to turn, etc. That exploration part of the game was gold for me. The part that I was starting to get annoyed at was how difficult it quickly became. A way to combat this is to

A.) make it a bit easier please ;)

B.) make the score numbers move faster. This makes the player feel like that their cruising along having more fun (i guess?)

Speaking of score, I've told almost everyone making a game that is endless that they should add a public high score. That way, it adds a bit of competitiveness to the game. I want to compete with someone; I want my name to be at the top of the leader-board right?

This game was actually almost perfect in all categories, can't even give much feedback on it. Great game and good luck in the jam!!!

ps. keep me posted on updates please :)

I really appreciate your feedback, I have added some music.

oooooh, I’ll check it out again!