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Thanks and yeah, the sound on the roses isn't the most peaceful once they start stacking.

The dripping was done by having a "Metronome" in the background, which emits a signal Xms before each 8th of a bar. The signal has an integer argument saying which 8th beat it is representing.

A "DropEmitter" has a specified list of beats on which it will let out a drop. When it receives a signal, it checks the beat number against this list and if there's a match, animates a drop falling.

The drops are a bit of a cheat - rather than having a collider fall under gravity and detect when it hits a plant, a sprite is tweened (Tweens are something I ignored for a long time, but it turns out they're super useful) from the ceiling to a pre-specified "strike point" on a plant, or the floor level if there's no plant. Once the tween is over, the sprite is replaced by a particle effect and the plant's sound is played (with a pitch shift if needed). and are the classes that do most of the work, if you want to have a look at the source code (though it's not commented at all). I think my explanation makes it sound much more complicated than it really is - it's just a lot of little effects coming together.

Feel free to ask if you want further clarification!