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Wow sorry for the late response. I've been pretty busy. 

If you happen to find a plugin (please don't trouble yourself looking for one) then please let me know!

Agreed. Definitely feels more rewarding.

Yeah that's how I've been going about this as well. Sometimes it just depends on my mood or more accurately where my brain is currently at. One day I'll be hammering away at story/event ideas just because that's all I've been thinking about and another I could be working on map stuff because I saw a tutorial or have an design idea. I mean there are days or a week I'm focused on specific things because I feel like they need to be done, whether I feel like it or not. But in most situations I've been going mostly by feel.

No worries, I just check frequently for news, so I usually see your messages quickly (also get email notifications, anyways).

I did a search for the plugin, and I couldn't find it. The closer I got was this, which doesn't have the merchant's cash, but has a stock system.

There's many ways to approach GameDev, I just focus on whatever I feel like doing since it's a hobby for now. In any case, I'm now trying to learn more before resuming development.

I've also just found out that there's a new engine that'll be released soon, RPG Maker MZ. You should take a look at it. It seems to be addressing some shortcomings of the MV version, although there isn't a lot on info yet.