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Yea, it"s quite a huge scope :) 

I'm working alone on it, but only do the game design & gameplay programming.

Visuals, sounds, animations are from third parties :)

Back to your game, I think it could also do well on mobile platform. You should have a look.

I saw you're developping on UnrealEngine4, I tried once to build a small platform game on Android, and it turned to be quite easy.

cool man, 
Can't wait to see the final result. :D
If you have the Resource, I recommend you to use IMBA Interactive ( as the sound designer.
In my current Project (Not this one, the one where I work at), they do a pretty awesome job in SFX and BGM.
But, I am not sure about the price though.

Anyway. yep. I am planning on releasing it to Google play too.
And because Unreal also support releasing in mobile platform, I think it is not that hard?
Maybe I should try to release the Mobile version next saturday.

Yeah right, I love the visual scripting in unreal, Looks challenging at first.
but, when you know your way around, it is quite easy.
It is just, the community is not really as active as Unity, quite hard to find answer to your problem.