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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my video here (the game is the 4th there):


1. I love how good the writing was. It was certainly interesting to read. Great narrative!

2. It was interesting how the game was getting more and more gloomy. It was not just interesting, the experience evoked emotions.


1. I didn't like that sometimes text was showing for a way longer time than needed and other times you weren't able to read all of it. It would be nice to let the player decide when they want to progress the story.

2. The only thing connected to furries was the tale. It was more a description of how people imagined gamers in 1999. Very outdated and concerning a different topic.


It was pretty fun. I anticipated to see something different. Maybe a bit more humor and actually Furry? And a bit more horror aspects because the game tagged as horror but there is no horror elements at all. I would rate the game 4/5. Still, I can't wait for more narrative games from you! You definitely have a way with words.

Hope my feedback was useful!