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Crap.  The part where he gets killed by Viz-Goth was an error.  I thought we fixed that. 

We are going to rework the demo before we think about voice acting. thanks for the feedback.  We may have pushed Miguel to act too negatively towards Xenoskar.

Yeah, for me it was when I picked the option to try to break free instead of talking to him, it gave me that ending. 

You're welcome. As I said, overall I still loved the demo, supported it, and cant wait for it to come out! I would love to be able to act more nicely toward Xenoskar in the beginning, but if there is a reason for it I completely understand it not being changed.

Thank you for responding to my comment and I love your games 😊

We have the wrong version of the demo up.  Working on a fix!

Ohkay, thank you.