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(1 edit)

Hello there!

Thank you for reporting! Can you show me the settings you use for calling the window?

(2 edits)

There is an syntax error inside the script call. You have missed the double dots (:) after the variable declaration. Moreover, you have called the variable "option" but you have assigned to the method "options". So, it should work good if you correct the code this way: 

var options = {

placeholder: 'What is your name?',

max_characters: 10,

variable : 11



You have assigned variable 11, but you're calling in the variable "name" the variable of ID 5. The correct format would be : 

var name = $gameVariables.value(11)


Ah yes, it works perfectly now! Sorry for bothering you with this small mistake. Thank you so much for a great plugin!

It's not a problem! 

Thank you so much for the support!