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I mean come on. He put a bunch of generally audience-restricted things in the game. Although, to be fair, the majority of players (in 2018) haven't even gotten to the part where they swear.

The Math Level alone really isn't enough to let anybody know what's going on besides the things it copies from BBIEAL (math teacher movement, notebooks, defence quarter soda, stamina chocolate, vending, grey detention, character sweep) and a few things that give it a namesake (other character deaths, relentless notebooks, creepypastas (followed by robots they'll never see), lockpicks and other newer content), so only those who bother to generally play any game until the end get to see what AEWVS is really like. Steam apparently has 30,000 different PC games, at least hundreds of which are trendy (even for a single genre), and that's just for Steam (not even Itch or GameJolt). People are keen and prone to following trends and celebrities they like, and if somebody still has a lot of trendy games yet to play but is playing something not trendy, they have to make it quick. AEWVS is probably not trendy (at least, especially alongside BBIEAL, which is, and for the record, if you/anyone think BBIEAL sucks but you've played AEWVS, the chances are that you have no idea what BBIEAL is actually supposed to be about), and it's definitely not going to be quick (for a good idea of the general time it takes for a dedicated person to pull the game apart, see MIX_UP_GAMERS' or JSCII's YouTube/Twitch channel. Enjoy your days of entertainment/spoiler viewing. (Yes, days, multiples of 24 hours.)), and as I suggested before, it probably wasn't even for kids, which puts it at a huge disadvantage compared with BBIEAL, which is original (in both ways), child-friendly, nostalgic and trendy. And not only that, but AEWVS is still an alpha game after two years running, which means that the majority of players are completely oblivious to what it has to offer in the future (both of the development and a player's gameplay).

My plan was to find as many small players (with a lot of free time) as we could and get them interested and up-to-date in AEWVS, then move on to bigger players and eventually tackle big gamers (like Markiplier again, who played Version 0.2, I assume) in order to make even more small players come to it and get it trendy again. The thing is, if you're not a part of AEWVS' community, and by extension, social media, it's not likely you'll be invested in it for too long, unless you're a player with minimal demand and maximal free time (and curiosity and smarts), because you won't be seeing all the memes and general personality it/they have (although good, except for when you buy hints at the Store, since you won't be spoiled and have a more terrifying and startling gameplay session than if you went to the community and saw the freeking second guardian abomination get memed out to exhaustion, although at this point it's become a meme in the game as well, and if you're reading this, MrDrNose, I beg you, please switch the game over and achievement names, and also start taking it seriously. Don't make fun of the onion, because it's the second secret guardian for freek's sake. And, you know, the bouncy boi should probably also make some valuable sense as well, since it's pretty much part of it now). But I think we might all have to do something about that. The key to success is trend, and the key to trend is devoted attention. So we're going to have to give people a good reason, from the start, to start dishing it out.

My other idea (of course) has so many benefits, you wouldn't believe it. I'd tell every player exactly what's going on and start the process over again with something promising. If SKELUX and MediaGamesGuide were to get into it, they'd probably have more attention and do all the work for me with all the people on their verified channel noticing that they've started getting into it way more, and for me, that's just for starters (lol). But before then, we'll have to do something about this game. We'll have to refresh it for another chance and do something to let everybody know just what they're getting into (without spoiling them too early). I still remember the idea I had about putting it on AlphaBetaGamer with a carefully tailored description about it, so it'd all go to plan and get on their channel with a lot of inclusions. Maybe we could do that as well.

You might believe the number of people who ditched it, but you probably won't believe just the amount of people who probably have actually played it and know what it is. So we have a lot of work to do.

Also, if you want, take a shot for every digression in this reply. Also, "trendy" might mean "mainstream" in over 80% of cases.


I completely agree with you FireyDeath4. Most people, in this case children play games like strobovski and baldi just because they are trendy. I also, dislike enough how mrdrnose doesn't take the game seriously and literally memes on himself by making fun of the onion, and stuff. It ruins the whole game and the image, the atmosphere, for lesser known memes like кто прочитал тот здохнет, it fits pretty well! Because the meme is lesser known and it's not a reference to anything, it's a distorted cat. But when mrdrnose puts jojo references, impact font, nani, and god forbid big chungus i genuinely lose all my hope in the game for like 7 minutes before calming down and forgetting about it. It's not even what people would describe as "cringe", cringe is a strong emotion, here it's just bad, it's not funny at all. Never add temporary fad memes like thanos snapping into your game. It's a horrible decision. Obviously humor should be in a fully functioning game, but this isn't humor this is just bad.

You won't believe how much more could AlphaBetaGamer, MediaGamesGuide make the game popular if they would seriously get into it. About the game being for adult audience, we have to look at facts, not who the game is made for, but for the primary audience for the game who actually play it. By statistics, most players are under 18 years old. It's like yandere simulator, the developer said that the game is not for kids, but it's obviously mostly played by kids because almost no one over 18 other than youtubers are interested in yandere simulator. Obviously kids mostly play it.


Wow, for once I totally agree with you Noli.

(3 edits) (+1)

Wow, four* people here?** Sweet. Let us join forces, and together, we can make this game rise again.

If you want, you can go ask MrDrNose if he likes the idea (of submitting to the channels), and we'll handle the rest.

Anyway, sometimes they are funny, but you really shouldn't be dumping memes all round in the main areas of what is supposedly a horror game. Recent studies have shown that calm/sane flippancy and informality is the #1 way to neutralise stress in any stressful environment, and since humour is able to do this to even horror and elements of torture/death, i.e. in horror comedies, coupled with the ascended power of spicy dank memes, you will completely wipe out self-respect and seriousness in any horror situation if too many memetic elements are introduced. They should really just be confined to test maps and deliberately humorous situations, and since the characters are there in them, even that's quite a stretch. That being said, if you'd like to make seriously creepy nightmare fuel (like, actually scary as opposed to spoopy) out of memes, go for it, and good luck. Even in the T-POWER test map, there is a lot of blood, but it's still a meme nonetheless. And memes are also pretty dumb, which is kind of what makes them so funny, and that's a pretty big obstacle, so you have a lot of work to do.

Memes are supposed to be a special treat, not something heavily involved in the main part of a serious medium. But in AEWVS, you've just been dishing them all out everywhere and now I think we all have diabeetus lol.

*And make that five.

**That doesn't sound like a lot out of context, but you'd be surprised.


I agree, i think we should submit strobovski to the game channels collectivelly. We should talk about it in the discord further.

I understand that humor in games like these is indisputable, but there are too much memes in my opinion. I don't mean memes as in inside jokes about coil boar, freekadelka, i mean too much real world meme references. This game is it's own universe, and bringing in impact font, jojo references, god forbid big chungus is not only unfunny, it just makes you return to the real life, if you understand what i mean. 
I think if people want some humor, the community can do it perfectly, but the game shouldn't be completely humor oriented, i understand this isn't what the developer strives for, but this is just what is slowly happening with the game. I believe this might be one of the reasons players like phucat think the game should be put to rest. And i think it shouldn't be put to rest, i think it should continue to grow and become better.

That's exactly my point.

We need to contact CoryxKenshin and a lot of youtubers.

I think they have a channel in Discord for that, although I just checked and the things seem to be missing. Probably because of the mass wipeout of channels they're recovering from.

I believe he played it once recently (at least later than you said that) and never did it again...

Reading back on this..... AEwVS is truly a niche small interest for people who have that exact taste. No one who isn't interested in math will be interested in PAP, realistically looking.

Would people appreciate it more if they actually reached stuff like Al and the PPAPS?

PAP is something that most if not everyone will enjoy. While the first three levels are definitely not for everyone and are for an extremely niche interest which I haven't seen anywhere else, PAP is something more open that more people will like.

Now that I have actually went through PAP... I think PAP is the best choice for the game because the 4th teacher just doesn't sound as good and as, well flowing. It's definitely surprising for the game to turn into a more different, regular game like many others for AEwVS players, but I think since most people who play AEwVS also play similar games (to PAP) with high quality production, they definitely will appreciate it more.