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(4 edits) (+1)

Hey, just wanted to say thank you for making this wonderful game! I'm going to play through it soon. 

Also, for any Linux users out there I was able to get it to start using Lutris with the following settings under Arch Linux (KDE DE) on my Librem 15 laptop:

  1. Wine version: lutris-5.7-x86_64
  2. DXVK off. (otherwise would crash immediately after launch)
  3. Used winetricks to install vcrun6. (otherwise crash after input setup)
  4. Set up separate wineprefix to keep things clean.

With these settings got through the first zone. Will test and report back with any issues.

Edit: Game version 1.07, also did not test gamepad input, just keyboard.

Edit#2: Tested an 8-bit do SN30 Pro+ gamepad (FW 4.01) connected through onboard bluetooth using Nintendo Switch mode (Y+START to turn on gamepad). Worked with no problem mapping buttons. 

Edit#3: Game works in either fullscreen or windowed mode. Was a bit laggy when maximized in windowed, but the Librem only has Intel HD Graphics 620, so a dedicated card would likely perform better. Did crash after switching between full and window a few times during gameplay. Left screen with low resolution after crash. Configure -> System options -> Restore resolution on exit in Lutris settings made the original resolution return the next time it crashed. So, just be careful toggling between the screen modes.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for playing, and also for finding a setup for it to work on a Linux System! With your permission I'll put those steps into the troubleshooting section of the game pages.

Sure, that will be fine. If I find any bugs or other issues I will let you know.