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So cool ! All the visual are really polish and nice and the animation work very well, all of it make a cute and whole environment and style who fit together nicely ! The "metroi vania" style is also very nailed ! Like the game is long but not boring, the lvl up aspect work too very nicely, dying is not harsh and for a game jam game is just super nice !

In the other side : even if the art is cool, it lack something to make it "link". Like maybe particle effect or fx when you jump, or an "influence" on the background to show you are part of this world. In the same idea, some ennemy lack of anticipation before attacking (the lazer one is very sudden). And the character jump is sometime very weird (it get better for me with the double jump). But it's already a lot for a jam' game, so, to say it "lack" something is easy while you already made so much and keep it "consistent" ! It's just a very well done game and make me want to see more