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miniLAW Alpha3.4.16 Changelog


  • Level drop handle now draws on GUI layer. Locked minimap text formatting
  • Back arm now draws in outlandish poses while you aim
  • Auto-heal system heals you more slowly and no longer interacts weirdly with blocking. Offhand arm during aiming bobs with walk. Minilaw guard stat fix to prevent crash interaction with hacker in certain circumstances. More block lockup fixes.
  • Head sprite changes for aiming. City border sprite adjustment.
  • Enemy attack animation speed limiters, prevent enemy melee moves from animating/progressing either too slow or too fast for it to work properly
  • Some enemy melee range fixes. In game menu formatting. Enemies will now properly become aware of you if you just run up on them and touch them while they are unaware of you.
  • Map/Car screen control prompt correction
  • Reworked beeper on map screen to not end up in weird places, now locks to comfortable relative position where it should be. No more highlighting or hovering over isoblocks when interacting with beeper. Map screen draw depth fixes.
  • Screen tilt save fix. Jacked default tilt back up to the way it was since player can manually turn it down now. Player block to counter move addition to keep it from locking up and ends it sooner after the move is complete.
  • Gun user melee move fixes, now assault unit gun-butt bashes time up with their animations better and aren't super overpowered clobbering moves. Fix to AC initiate melee cycle lockup.
  • Climb animation now plays more reliably and transitions into crouch/stand more smoothly
  • Enemy idle bugfix. Enemies shouldn't lose track of you in the middle of a charge or attack now. Locked door/player collision fix. You can only try to access a lock when you are moving slowly enough

  • Features

  • Tutorial now has 'press q to continue' prompts for lots of the text only parts
  • Tutorial additions. Shout to advance dialogue from sergeant. Compressed overall tutorial timeline. Tutorial dummy edits
  • Tutorial control prompts now read out differently depending on your control scheme.
  • Platform/ledge/stairs sprite adjustments. Console bg object. A bucket.
  • Giant robot punch has knockback, better activation conditions
  • Enemy bullets can now hit friendly NPCs. Fixed cardboard and wood hits crashing the game. Enemy door locator fixes. Enemy hitbox adjustments.