Me: *I haVe CRIppiLinG DEPpReSSIon*
kai: yOu jUsT SAiD I hAd tO gEt a BoWlLlL
._. Oops
Kai: -just kind throws the bowl on the floor and it dents it- ._. Oops
Me: *fixes da bowl* here! :)
Kai: ._. . . Thanks . . -bruh how did you fix that-
;-; you can have the rest
Kai: -scoops the whole rest and put it in the bowl- uwu*
Me: *eating the rest of da ice cream*
Kai: I'm bored again
-bacons kai-
Kai: ow! The -bLeEp- was that for?!
Idk I was bored as well
Me: *screw that game i got a bruse from that*
he deserves it though, he's a -blEeP-
Kai: so Ima female dog <>_<>
Kai: your trash (me)
True, but I am proud to be it uwu
Me: I haVe CrippIlINg depPReSsiOn
I AlsO hAvE cRiPPiLinG dEpResSIoN
Kai: and soon you'll have crippiling faces
-scared- ;-;