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I took a few days off off from doing these blogs to give someone else a chance at the top without bumping this daily. The past four days was spent with enemies and enhancing the weapons.


There are four different tank marshmallows. They have high health and move slower than normal enemies. The more damage they take, the faster they run. Its easier and more effective to just not shoot them.

With these enemies came new stats such as increasing speed rather than maximum speed all the time. The player has this stat and its a wise stat to have, but with the crunch of the original game jam, the time was never taken. There is also a new rush attack that can be applied to any enemy, but it will be just for these enemies at the moment.


Grenades were something in the game, but removed from it, because when you can hop on enemies why would you need grenades? With the move to make the game fair for both enemies and the player, the enemies can no longer be stomped. The game feels easy enough when you can shoot through enemies. The drawback to unstompable enemies is the fact that enemies can bunch up in nooks so you need a grenade to destroy them.


It took a good three days for these droplets to be finalized. These enemies are more of a trap that gets launched out of the larger gumdrops. The droplets stand in one place hopping until you walk close enough to them and then they pounce! If these droplets cling to the player, then the player moves slower, jumps lower and it takes multiple consecutive jumps from the player to shake them off. They only do damage the first time they cling and if the player has one on them, then the others refrain from pouncing.


In the past four days a lot of the weapons have been reworked and enhanced. Projectiles have changed, muzzle flashes and hits have changed as well. This is something that has been in the sprite sheet for weeks, but in the crunch of a game jam, they were never added. Cake Kills Candy has its own sprite sheet slicer for lazy mod support and dealing with the slicer's math is a slower process, but it sure beats having to cut and paste images to make sprites.

Anyway, bananas have changed to six shot weapons. Once you're out, you can throw the peels or set them down. These peels make enemies slip and fall. It was about three days working on this weapon on and off between enemies. It might not look like it from the gif, but seeing and hearing the enemies slip turns this simple throwable into a joy to experience!


It is within these past four days that I've noticed there's less of a Twitter response with less retweets and less likes. Traffic for the game continues to be flat lined with a page view every few days.