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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here:


1. I love how this episode is rich story wise even comparing to the first one! I can't imagine what will happen next. Though, I must admit the plot twist was a bit trivial. Still, I enjoyed that a lot!

2. The style is definitely game's strength. It is so visually beautiful and involving. Especially adored last scenes in the episode!


1. I suppose that this episode is less scary or creepy than the first one. I would like to see an extremely terrifying episode - can't wait for it!

2. At the start my game completely froze. It can be seen in the video. I had to quit the process in the task manager and restart. It worked fine after that. Also, before opening the curtains the game made an attempt to crash again and froze for a couple of secs but it was fine. I have a strong computer, so I decided to point these bugs out, so they could be fixed if possible.


These episodes are amazing! Can't wait for more. It would be super duper cool if all the stories turn out to be connected at the very end in some unexpected way just like in Stories Untold, for example. Overall, I still regard this experience as a 5-star one! Keep going!

Hope my feedback was useful!