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This was actually a fun little game. I actually really loved the pitter patter of my feet when I ran lol. Overall, decent game.

Hey BeniKnight,

Thanks a bunch for playing! You're commentary was grade A, lol! Watching your Let's Play and another I found online has inspired me to revisit this little game assignment and update it, You both came so close to the overall objective but stayed however just playing around in the sandbox lol. The game's main challenge is to turn all the trees in NY to their original brown color by sticking NYkers onto them. But just throwing them around was the fun I hoped would come as well :)

(pssst a cheatcode in the game is when you're out of NYkers, press "J" for JW.Berry and see what happens)



Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it. And yes please, by all means update it. I would love to play it again and it was super fun to play in the first place.