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I just want to mention something that a lot of people miss.

Yes, Resident Evil 1 was made a lot of years ago. With the current technology we can achieve more complex graphics without spending that much time.

However this does not mean big complex games like Resident Evil 1 are easy to make. Sure you may be able to replicate the graphics, but while developing the game, you’d have to spend plenty of time to make it work. The only positive is that you won’t have to count the memory as much, since now memory is kind of a given.

Also one other thing I want to emphasize, making a game while trying to make it look the same as another game is way more difficult, than making a unique game. Think of it like making a drawing. If you try to copy Mona Lisa, you are just trying to create something that looks like it. You have to follow the lines, and shapes, and all the colours, and there’s a high chance of doing something wrong.

However, doing your own game is like making a drawing of something you came up with. You decide the colours. You decide the shapes in your canvas. There aren’t mistakes, just choices that you make.

I’m not sure what’s your programming experience, but these are mistakes I’ve made when I was younger, and I wish I had someone to save me the time spend on such projects.