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I was also interested in joining, but haven't done so for a completely different reason.

I've only played half a dozen Infocom games and that was almost 40 years ago. If memory serves me correctly, I've played (and finished) Zork 1, 2 & 3, Infidel, Planetfall & Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and played (but not finished) one or two others. The truth of the matter is that I'm really rusty on all things Infocom and I came up blank when it came to game ideas. I know, I know, it only has to have a vague connection to an Infocom game, but I'm currently working on a small adventure for another game jam and didn't have time to refresh my memory or do the research. The other game jam finishes on 7 July, so there's still time to prepare something for this jam if I feel inspired. I can whip something up pretty quickly in Inform 6.