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Firstly, thank you for even considering the idea. :D And fair points all-around. I kind of ADD'd into the "What if?" and some of your points (possibility of contact, refunds, compatibility, customer confusion) I hadn't considered even tho they seem obvious on 2nd read.

Secondly, my apologies. I missed your sale and just jumped into "Maybe it hasn't happened before?" Thank you for pointing out you've already -- and recently -- had a larger sale. More due diligence on my part for next time an idea bubbles up.

Finally, idk how often you're told this as a creator or just human-to-human, you're an awesome person. The values you appear to rep, the way you handled a weird question, reply time etc. I didn't expect to feel good after asking a question, yet I feel amazing. That's something I'm going to work on passing on when I create the useful/fun things. :P Ehm, thank you for being you haha


Hey, thanks!

I don't personally feel like I'm doing anything special here, just acting as I think everyone should, but it's good to hear that people appreciate it! Sorry you missed the sale, but usually does a summer sale too, and I'm sure I'll have something on there to your liking ;)

Keep doing what you do! I'm looking forward to testing out the waves of projects coming out that use my plugins. It helps me cope with the fact that I never seem to release anything of my own!
