Hello, my name is Devin. I've been doing business software development since 1996 and some hardware/firmware development since around 2010. I have developed games in the past but only as a hobby. I love the momentum that DragonRuby has going for it and hope I can provide some helpful feedback.
I purchased DragonRuby as part of the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. Thank you for making it part of the bundle!
I don't have as big of a footprint on the Internet that I used to have. Part of that is scaling back to something reasonable that allows me time to focus on what I want to do now.
Dev Setup:
- Box(es): HP ZBook 17 with Win7, Core i7 and 32GB RAM, Lenovo ThinkPad
- Monitor(s): 17" built-in on laptop with 32" on the wall behind my desk
- Keyboard: Several, but nothing of great note
- Editor: Notepad++ and Visual Studio Code currently
Top 5 Games of All Time (in no particular order):
- Zillion (Sega Master System)
- Fantasy Zone (SMS version)
- Metroid
- Final Fantasy VII
- Super Mario Bros. 3
Languages I Know (some I wish I didn't):
- Pascal
- C/Embedded C
- C++
- 8086 Assembly
- Java
- Perl
- Python
- JavaScript
- Ruby
- Lisp
- Lua
I'm also into 3D printing, design, and CNC machining. As if I needed more to do heheheh.