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Hello, remaking the editor entirely to look simpler may not be in our scope but we will consider adding options to customize it to be closer to what you want. We are also planning on adding an optional darker color scheme. I'm not entirely sure about what you mean by paragraph support, the new version has autowrap of lines that are too long on by default but this does not create linebreaks. If that is something you need we'll consider adding it in a later update. At the moment we are planning on getting the editor into a ready state and releasing it to help some team members financially without unnecessary delays. We will likely be actively working on updating it with requested optional features while we have worthy ideas and the possibility to do so.

Yeah, it's linebreaks I mean, sorry! When I export a text file after writing it always comes up without line breaks for some reason. 

I can't wait to support this once it's out! Fingers crossed it all goes well! Good luck! :)